Each One Teach One was established on the 18th of March 2014 as a Non-Profit organisation, with a vision to create a well-developed South Africa that is a better social cohesive society with an aim of fighting illiteracy and poverty in this country. This vision is supported by the Youth led team of office bearers who had built a well reputation in social enterprise for the past five years. Friends gathered to change the world started by changing their mind to actions on a daily basis.
1. Objectives
(a) The organisation’s main objectives are to:
To create employment in disadvantage communities in townships through skills development and small, medium enterprise support projects.
To create accessibility of resources to assist with the education of the disadvantage in aid of the country’s development.
To use recreation, arts and culture with tourism to facilitate non formal education in creating a knowledgeable society that shall be social cohesive in a cross-cultural living of nations.
(b) The organisation’s secondary objectives will be to:
To create a network of services offered by local communities in disadvantaged background and fundraise for the development of their businesses targeting youth to combat youth unemployment.
To enhance arts and culture, education and tourism through skills development workshops and trainings.
To brand a patriotic South African diverse nation, by using good service delivery in Events management, Tourism, Arts and Performances, and Hospitality.
Our Mission
To fight illiteracy, unemployment and poverty in South Africa by means of social enterprise aimed at entrepreneur development, skills transfer and talent enhancement for the youth of South Africa with focus on Tourism and Hospitality, Education, arts and Culture, business development and events management.
Our Values
Providing support to one another, working co-operatively, respecting one another’s views, and making our work environment fun and enjoyable.
We help others to achieve their deadlines without having to be asked.
All projects have identified points which are celebrated by the whole team.
We work with one another with enthusiasm and appreciation.
We work with one another without manipulation.
Conflict is resolved according to agreed guidelines for this team.
Conflict is brought out into the open and dealt with constructively until all parties are satisfied with the result.
Being open and honest in all our dealings and always maintaining the highest integrity All concerns are aired constructively with solutions offered. Each person is as skilled in some way as another and is entitled to express their views without interruption. Excellence always doing what we say we will and striving for excellence and quality in everything we do. Quality will always delight the client whilst staying within budget limitations. If we give our word, we keep it unless agreed otherwise by all parties.
Working with urgency and commitment to be successful from individual and company perspectives. Time frames are always met unless urgent circumstances mean we have to renegotiate new time frames with all parties. Clients’ needs agreed within budgets are met regardless of personal wants.
Taking ownership of our customers’ needs and being accountable for delivering friendly and professional service. We are each fully accountable for our work in gaining any possible repeat business with customers. We understand our customers’ business, prepare for all meetings with them
Recognising and rewarding each other’s contributions and efforts. All individual successes are celebrated within the team. Assistance is thanked every time. At every meeting with our customers we ask them what we could have done better, and then implement their suggestions before we meet them